Lake Tahoe School seeks to instill in our students the love of learning and the will to use knowledge productively, courageously, compassionately. We strive to educate knowledgeable students who value learning, possess strong study skills and work habits, embrace intellectual and aesthetic enrichment, respect themselves and others, and aspire to become still more knowledgeable and responsible members of the world community. We aim to explore the unique educational opportunities of the rich, variegated Tahoe environment in our quest to cultivate a sense of responsibility for, and celebration of, the diversity of life and nature all around us.
All Pre-K-5th grade students leave their core classrooms to take science, spanish, art, music, and physical education--each of which is taught by teachers who specialize in those respective subjects.
Middle school core classes include language arts, math, science, history, and spanish; in addition, students can choose from a variety of electives including photography, digital arts, ensemble, rock and roll band, ceramics, painting, etc.
All math classes are offered at the same time; this allows for multi-age math classes, which ensure that all students are challenged appropriately (students are placed in math classes depending upon their individual achievement and capacity).
Our experiential education program includes not only a variety of overnight camping trips to locations as varied as Yosemite, Point Reyes, and the desert but also a variety of service learning projects, public exhibitions of art, and volunteer opportunities.